Biblioteca David Kitson
David Kitson came to Nosara, Costa Rica with his wife Beverly in the 1970, and fell in love. The David Kitson Memorial Library was established in David’s his memory in 2005. David and Beverly Kitson, played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the local community and the English-speaking visitors who came to visit Nosara.
English Classes: One of the library's standout features is its English classes. They are a bridge, connecting people through the power of language. At Jade Nosara three of our team members, Dina, Mau and Allam are taking English classes at the library.
Beverly recognized that many of the local residents did not speak English, which made it difficult for them to interact with the visitors who came to the area. In response, she began teaching English classes to the locals. Her classes were held at the Nosara Community Center and were attended by people of all ages. Beverly's classes were a huge success, and they helped to break down the language barrier between the locals and the visitors. This not only made life easier for the tourists but also helped to foster a sense of community between the two groups.
This endeavor exemplifies the spirit of Nosara, where community bonds are paramount, offering a sense of purpose, belonging, and, ultimately, a pathway to a more fulfilling life.
Allam works at Jade Nosara and is part of the Equipo Nacional de Boxeo de Costa Rica.
Aisha Visram volunteers at the Biblioteca David Kitson and created The Shadow Program for teens to learn about work based learning experiences in the Nosara community.
In Nosara strong social bonds provide us with a vital support system that transcends language and cultural differences. Through our shared learning experiences, we have come to appreciate the significance of these relationships.
A gift that keeps on giving.